It has been 11 months since I posted to this blog. It is nice to have a support group to hear and listen to me. 2011 held a lot of personal stripping away of old baggage and connecting to who I really am. 2012 has been composed of a lot of listening to God and waiting. There has been a lot of opportunities presented to me this year. Some I reverted back to my old patterns of behavior. However, several opportunites presented that I actually sit back and waited on God to direct my path. Guess what? His way left me feeling at peace, even if it went against what I wanted to do. The peace of God does surpass my understanding.
This year I was able to let go of a lot of control. I have been able to sit back and let others do what they wanted to do even if I felt it was to their detrement. I have been "telling Jesus on them" which is my middle child syndrome way of saying I've been praying for them. I have stayed away from a lot of gossip sessions even though I really wanted to put my 2 cents worth in. Which would have hurt someone eventually. These actions did isolate me from my old acquaintences.
January I joined Weight Watchers and started working on my overweight issues. I worked the first few steps on my WW blog on WW blogsite. I was overcome with a lot of cares of life and did not accomplish my ultmate goal. However, I did make a 30 pound decrease in weight this year. In the last 4 months I put back on 10 pounds because I did not continue in this recovery process. Sooooo, I will be restarting in January.
God has moved me to a new job. I know nothing about the rules and regulations of this job. I am finding that He has placed in me the HOPE of walking by faith and not by sight. Our pastor had each of us to place on our Church's Christmas Tree something that means something to us. I placed a pair of glasses on the tree to represent that God is teaching me to walk by faith and not by sight. My God is a God of second chances.
About 20 years ago I felt that God had put a desire in my heart that one day I would work for Him taking care of the Elderly in their home. Well, it is not exactly what I thought but God has once again suprized me by walking me one step closer to fulfilling this desire. I have 50 residents that I am learing to care for in their home. MY GOD IS AMAZING! This path is not easy and I have had a few days of tears, confusion, and many days of felling overwhelmed. However, at the end of everyday I am so very thankful that he has trusted me with these lives. My prayer today is that I will not let him or them down.
I love getting together with my family. It is moments like this that makes my heart sing.