Sunday, August 1

Update on Papaw and remodeling project

The procedure Tim received worked. Tim has had a great deal of relief. We rested most of the week after work but Tim finished the shoe closet, linen closet, and baseboard around the new bathroom. He connected the water to the tub and the drain pipe but this morning the drain started leaking slightly. So we will resume working on that tomorrow.
We must finish trimming the windows, hang mirrors, touch up paint, install granite and sink then accessorizing. The original bath room still needs baseboards, touch up paint, and trim. We can see light at the end of the tunnel :)
Then I can get the house back in order and clean. I feel like we have been living in a construction zone for months now.

We visited a church in our community "New Day Ministries" we enjoyed worshiping with fellow Christians. We plan on going back tonight.

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